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Lori's Story: The Importance of Keeping God in the Middle of Your Marriage

My husband and I were set up on a blind date in 1999 that actually worked! I knew that night that this was the guy I was going to marry.

We dated long distance for four months until he got transferred to Yuma. We got to know each other through a lot of phone calls and weekend visits.

We were engaged four months after our blind date and our wedding was planned for nine months after we had met.

I was a youth leader at our church and very involved there. He had grown up in church and looked to be a very solid Christian man. As our dating went on, I was noticing some things that didn’t seem to line up with the Christian man that I thought someone should be.

I went to a summer camp with the youth in the summer of 2000 in Glorieta, New Mexica. As I was there, God was really speaking to me and letting me know that I can’t marry this guy. He is a fake. He is not a real Christian. When I got home, I told him that I could not marry him. Mind you, this was two months before our wedding.

Little did I know, as God was speaking to me to challenge him, he was speaking to Augie as well. Augie had been meeting with his pastor and going through a Bible study with him. God was calling Augie to Him, to a true relationship with Him. So as God was working through me, He was also working on Augie.

Now that was the Christian man that I want to marry!

We did get married in September 2000 and have been married for 22 years. Through our 22 years of marriage, we have served the Lord together through mission trips, youth ministry, church events, fostering, having 2 kids, starting a church, and more. It has been a great 22 years because God has been in the middle of it all.


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